India the largest democracy currently remains the fastest-growing economy and serves as a beacon of hope for global growth. Currently, the world’s fifth-largest economy in terms of GDP, India aspires to reach high middle-income status by 2047, the centenary of Indian independence.
The economic growth witnessed over the past two decades has significantly contributed to reducing extreme poverty. Between 2011 and 2019, the country is estimated to have halved the share of the population living in extreme poverty - below $2.15 per person per day (2017 PPP) (World Bank Poverty and Inequality Portal and Macro Poverty Outlook, Spring 2023). However, post-pandemic, the pace of poverty reduction has slowed down with a moderate pick-up visible in the last two years.
Despite impressive economic strides, significant disparities persist across the country, particularly in terms of human development indicators. Poverty remains concentrated in specific regions, and a pronounced rural-urban divide exacerbates inequalities. Consumption inequality has also persisted, with the Gini index hovering around 35 for the past two decades. Child malnutrition is alarmingly high, with 35.5% of children under five being stunted, and the rate rises to 67% for children aged 6-59 months. Although headline employment indicators have improved since 2020, the low participation of women in the labour force remains a concern, along with ongoing gender disparities.
As India is poised to become the world’s third-largest economy, a substantial proportion of poor households are expected to rise above the poverty line in the coming years.
In this context of rapid economic growth and complex development challenges, RAF Global has been working across a wide array of development issues in Jharkhand, Bihar, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra since 2015. For nearly a decade, RAF Global has been a dedicated partner in supporting India’s development goals, striving to ensure the long-term well-being of the most marginalised communities.
RAF Global's journey in India to improve the quality of life for the most marginalised sections of society began in 2010 with public charity work spearheaded by various frontline group companies and the personal initiatives of Chairman Mr Rizwan Adatia. As these efforts grew in scale and impact, RAF Global was formally established in 2015 under Section 8 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013.
Initially focused on disaster relief and public philanthropy, RAF Global's early initiatives aimed to provide essential services in the impoverished areas of Mumbai and the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. The organisation made significant contribution to education, particularly for vulnerable children, by offering financial support to orphanages, hostels, and schools.
As its charitable efforts expanded, the organisation broadened its focus to improve access to clean drinking water and healthcare services, with a strong emphasis on the holistic development of women and children. The organisation also played a crucial role in disaster relief, providing essential aid during droughts and floods, particularly in Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Following its formal registration in 2015, RAF Global started as a support organisation in India. Over the years, the organisation evolved into a full-fledged professional implementing agency making long-term, strategic, and systemic investments around the key sectors of healthcare, nutrition, education, and sustainable livelihoods. In addition to these efforts, RAF Global worked to enhance the accessibility of public services by promoting and strengthening good governance practices at the sub-national level.
RAF Global in India works with the most marginalised individuals, families, and communities in the poorest regions of India to improve the Quality of Life, by bringing together resources, technology, systems, and effective grassroots strategies, giving better choices and control to people for a lasting change. RAF Global strongly reckons that influencing quality of life on a sustained basis requires adopting a holistic, long-term, and multi-sectoral approach to development. RAF Global practices a multi-sectoral approach to contribute towards improving the Quality of Life of the most marginalised and disadvantaged people in select geographies. In pursuit of its mission, RAF Global endeavours to make long-term, strategic, and systematic investments around the key sectors of healthcare, nutrition, education, and sustainable livelihoods, along with expanding the reach of public services through good governance practices at the sub-national level.
Operational since 2015, RAF Global in India has long-term interventions in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand, reaching out to over 600,000 beneficiaries through multi-sectoral programmes.
RAF Global in India has laid great emphasis on supporting Government systems be it in public health, education, strengthening livelihoods, or any other. It has also worked with local communities, civil societies, and private agencies to promote impactful work at scale. The programme portfolio of RAF Global in India encompasses Economic Integration and Livelihood Support for Women and Youth, Climate Smart Agriculture, Health and Nutrition Initiatives, Education and Technology, Good Governance, and Humanitarian Response.
RAF Global’s initiatives to promote economic opportunities through Financial Inclusion, Skilling, and Entrepreneurship Development have benefitted 8495 women and youth. These efforts have led to improved skills, increased incomes and greater access to low-cost capital for advancing productive purposes.
The overall goal of RAF Global’s programme on economic integration and livelihood support for women and youth is to promote the economic well-being of women, especially youth, by aiding their income-generating skills as well as providing them with enabling financial and market linkages.
Learn MoreRAF Global’s supporting public schools through a wide range of interventions including ECD, FLIP, STEM education, & School Improvement Programme, has benefitted 14,623 children. These efforts have resulted in improved access to better quality of education and enhanced learning outcomes.
The Education and Technology Programme strives to equip girls, boys, and young adults with knowledge, skills, technology, and values so that they can maximize their potential and further contribute to the process of nation-building by becoming responsible citizens. Considerable emphasis is laid on facilitating equal opportunities in access to quality learning opportunities at all levels of education for underserved communities.
Learn MoreRAF Global’s health programme has benefited 376,222 individuals, improving their health and well-being through a wide array of interventions in India. These initiatives include the Prevention and Care of Critical Diseases, Health System Strengthening, Special Medical Camps, and Anaemia Control and Awareness Campaigns.
The health and nutrition portfolio is driven by the goal of enabling marginalised and disadvantaged individuals and communities to access better health services to optimize their health and well-being and realize their full potential.
Learn MoreRAF Global is supporting 1,624 farmers in adopting sustainable agricultural practices, including organic farming, System of Rice Intensification (SRI), chemical-free horticulture, and block plantation to increase their agricultural yield and income.
The Climate Smart Agriculture programme is aligned to improving farming practices for small and marginal landholders, ensuring climate resilience, sustainable income, and food security. RAF Global emphasizes gender-specific responses, involving women in strategies for enhanced food security and livelihoods by encouraging them to adopt climate-responsive agriculture.
Learn MoreRAF Global’s Good Governance initiatives, which focus on mainstreaming government programs and entitlements and creating SMART Panchayats, have benefited 4,574 households.
The Good Governance Programme attempts to connect the demand and supply side of governance by developing multiple mechanisms and empowering channels that interface citizens with their immediate governments, in order to align public resources around the needs and aspirations of the local communities, especially women.
Learn MoreRAF Global’s humanitarian response during droughts, floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic has directly reached over 16,000 beneficiaries across three states in India.
RAF Global’s approach to relief work, addresses the needs of women, girls, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. It aims to protect their already fragile livelihoods and guard them against slipping into further and extreme poverty.
Learn MoreBy working in synergy with stakeholders like the state, business entities, the target communities, local institutions, and global civil society networks, RAF Global has been creating opportunities for the marginalised people to improve their lives so that they may lead fulfilling lives with dignity and peace.