RAF Global | D.R.CONGO
D.R.Congo about the size of Western Europe, is the largest country of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Endowed with natural resources and holding immense potential for economic development, D.R.Congo presents a complex reality of having nearly 62 percent of its population living on less than $ 2.15 a day. About one out of six people in D.R.Congo live in extreme poverty. DRC with a population of 95, 894,118 continues to remain among the five poorest nations in this world.
Decades of political and social fragility have resulted in a low human capital index of 0.37 which is even less than the SSA average of 0.4. A child born in D.R.Congo has less chance of survival, a high chance of growing up stunted and malnourished, and an extremely high probability of not being able to realise his/her potential as a result of poor health, low access to quality healthcare and abysmal experience of formal education at school. In an economy driven by minerals and agriculture, the women also face significant barriers to economic opportunities, the stark disparity in wages and asset ownership, and high rate of gender-based violence.
In the midst of such complexities, RAF Global initiated work around wider array of issues in the Kinshasa province in the year 2017 and has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to work for the most affected, deprived individuals, families, and social groups.
Strategic Partnerships
Beneficiaries Reached
Resources Allocated To Health Sector
RAF Global’s National Presence in D.R.Congo
RAF Global’s work in D.R.Congo to transform the Quality of Life of vulnerable populations has its basis in the public charity work mainly carried under the aegis of Sofia SPRL and few other frontline companies of Kinshasa way back in 2014. However , with the spread of work, RAF Global was formally registered in 2017 under the Ministry of Social Affairs in the category of ASBL/NGO/EUP of a social nature, under Law No. 004-2001 in DRC. With children as the key focus, early initiatives involved the construction of a sanitation block at an orphanage in Selembao and generating awareness among youth and women on AIDS, and women’s rights.
Nutrition Aid support to orphanages, schools, and associations was central to securing food security and the health of children. Sponsorship of school fees for vulnerable, school children along with the provision of school supplies, exposure to WASH practices including menstrual hygiene management, screening for cataract and surgeries, skill building training to women and youth in tailoring, bakery, and physiotherapy were the broad areas of operations by the year, 2017. The present programmes that are concentrated in the city province of Kinshasa have evolved from these earlier initiatives.
RAF Global In D.R.Congo
RAF Global in D.R.Congo implements as well as supports projects in the key sectors of health, nutrition, education, and sustainable livelihoods for the poorest and most marginalised families in the communes of Kimbanseke, Nsele, Mont Ngafula, and Selembao in the province of Kinshasa. Its health outreach and facilitation for cataract surgeries through specific hospitals, reach a larger population, additionally covering several communes in the province such as Kisenso, Limete, Maluku, Bandalungwa, Makala, Masina, and Lemba. Over 95 percent of its staff, implementing partners, and volunteers belong to the local community and are trained for delivering results. RAF Global has effective leadership and an active board in D.R.Congo to guide the work.
Areas Of Activity
Economic Integration and Livelihood Support for Women and Youth
RAF Global’s initiatives to promote employment and entrepreneurship have translated into 7293 benefits for women and youth that involve training in vocational trades, seed capital support for small businesses, provision of employment, and facilitation of work orders.
We work to promote the economic well-being of women and youth in a range of decent work opportunities such as wage employment, self-employment, and enterprise development by enhancing their income-generating skills as well as providing them with enabling financial and market linkages.
Education and Technology Programme
RAF Global and its partners are supporting public schools in Selembao, Kimbanseke, Nsele, Mont Ngafula, and other communes of Kinshasa province to enhance learning opportunities for school children that have benefited over 10,000 children from 2017 to 2022.
We work to improve the learning environment in schools by investing in school infrastructure improvement and promoting student enrolment, regular student attendance, and prevention of school dropouts. Our Early Childhood Development centres bridge the critical gap between preschool learning and necessary life skills for a successful transition to the formal education system.
Health and Nutrition Initiatives
RAF Global’s health programme has benefitted 387,424 beneficiaries in D.R.Congo
In the city province of Kinshasa, RAF Global is improving access to safe water, facilitates screening for eye care and cataract surgeries, provides nutritional aid support, and delivers awareness education on menstrual hygiene, hand washing, malaria, malnutrition, AIDS, and cataract condition.
Climate Smart Agriculture
RAF Global and its partners are promoting organic farming among smallholder farm families for climate-resilient agriculture that will ensure sustainable income and food security.
We work to improve the living condition as well as health of small farmers by training women and men in horticulture, using natural farming methods. We encourage the practices of kitchen gardening and backyard farming to grow seasonal vegetables for self-consumption as well as, for sale.
Humanitarian Response
RAF Global’s humanitarian response during the Covid-19 pandemic has directly reached 16,000 beneficiaries in D.R.Congo.
Following a practical approach that emphasised on safeguarding against the spread of Covid-19 disease, RAF Global in D.R.Congo distributed 16,000 cloth masks at schools, orphanages, and the community hubs in Kimbanseke, Nsele, and Mont Ngafula during the first phase of the epidemic.
Impact And Insights
By working in synergy with stakeholders like the state, business entities, the target communities, local institutions, and global civil society networks, RAF Global has been creating opportunities for the Congolese people to improve their lives so that they may lead fulfilling lives with dignity and peace.
Support us
RAF Global appeals to you to support our project initiatives listed here.
Any amount, starting from USD 100 is welcome.
Donate to create an enabling and inclusive learning environment for students towards improving learning outcomes.
Under the School Improvement component of the Education and Technology Programme, we endeavour to improve the critical infrastructure of Government schools by constructing school buildings with classrooms that are adequately furnished with blackboard, benches, and electricity/power backup and have toilets with running water. Besides, with your financial contribution, we aim to provide for drinking water coolers, an equipped science laboratory to support guided scientific inquiry, a computer laboratory, and trained instructor to deliver inclusive ICT education, functioning playgrounds, and sports equipment for joyful engagement, and well-stocked libraries to promote reading habit among students. We shall extend our focus also, to providing classroom books and stationeries for all students and conducting teachers’ training on pedagogy, differential learning, and attitude and behaviour change.
Through surveys conducted in four communes, we have a baseline of the present condition of school infrastructure and we will efficiently utilise your donation towards school infrastructure improvement in as many schools, as possible. Furthermore, we wish to adopt a Government school in Nsele to develop into a model in the region. We invite you to collaborate with us and give the gift of education to underprivileged children studying at Government schools in four communes.
Make Potable Water Accessible
The construction of water tanks has been one of the key initiatives of RAF Global in the communes of Nsele, Mont Ngafula, Selembao and Kimbanseke, in the Kinshasa province. Large parts of rural D.R.Congo is dependent on open source of groundwater such as the spring for daily purposes, in the absence of safe and reliable water infrastructure. Contamination of such sources often compromises people’s health, especially infants, young children, and the elderly with low immunity.
Since the year 2019, RAF Global has invested in a low-cost solution to make safe water accessible to the Congolese population, besides promoting the practice of water conservation and preventing contamination of freshwater sources. It has done so, by constructing water tanks (of 2000 litres capacity each) at the open-source of groundwater. A total of 357,575 rural residents have benefited from the 126 tanks constructed till March 2023. The initiative has checked the spread of waterborne diseases and thereby, addressed the larger issue of malnutrition and death among children and vulnerable groups. It has improved the safety of women and children also, so that they do not have to travel far distances, to fetch water especially, at night.
The unit cost per water tank construction is around USD 2000. A large population’s health and productive life are safeguarded for at least 7 years, at this cost. Any contribution you make towards this cause will carry the legacy of your benevolence for many years.
![Support us Image 2-Project 2](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Support-us-Image-2-Project-2.jpg)
![Support us Image 3-Project 2](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Support-us-Image-3-Project-2.jpeg)
Write to Sunita Charaniya, Programme Manager in D.R.Congo to know more.
Email: sunita.charaniya@rafglobal.org
Key Partners
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![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-2.jpg)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-3.jpg)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-4.jpg)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo5.jpg)
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![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo7.png)
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![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-9.jpg)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo10.png)
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![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo11.png)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-13.jpg)
![Logo 1](https://rafglobal.org/drcongo/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Logo-14.jpg)